Let’s go beyond imagination
with unique materials
& unique technologies.

Corporate Profile

Company Name UNIMATEC CO., LTD.
Head Office 1-12-15 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-0012
Plants Plant No.1: 831-2 Kamisohda, Isohara-cho,
     Kitaibaraki-shi, Ibaraki, Japan 319-1593
Ushiku Office: 1650-11-1 Okubara-cho, Ushiku-shi, Ibaraki, Japan 300-1283 Singapore plant:30 Sakra View, Jurong Island, 627745 Singapore
Established April 1, 2002
Paid-in Capital 400 million yen (wholly owned by NOK Corporation)
Employees 625 (Consolidated / as of April 1, 2024)
443 (Non-Consolidated / as of April 1, 2024)
Business Lines Synthetic rubbers, Fine chemicals, Adhesives,
Chemical products for synthetic rubber molding
Masao TsuruRepresentative Director, Chairman
Hiroaki KikuchiRepresentative Director, President
Jiro IidaDirector
Akira WatanabeDirector
Kazushige HayashiAuditor
Kuniyoshi SaitoSenior Executive Officer
Hans-Martin IsselExecutive Officer
Yoshifumi KojimaExecutive Officer
Hiroshi SatoExecutive Officer
Hideki AbeExecutive Officer


Oct. 1971 Began operations as Kitabaraki Plant of Nippon Oil Seal (currently NOK).
Dec. 1973 Spun off as Seiwa Kasei to research, develop and manufacture synthetic chemical products.
Apr. 1979 Merged with Nippon Mektron and relaunched as its Kitaibaraki Plant.
Apr. 2002 Spun off of Nippon Mektron to form Unimatec, wholly owned by NOK.
Feb. 2006 Established Unimatec Singapore Pte. Ltd. in Singapore.
Apr. 2010 The polyurethane division separated from us. (New UNIMATEC started.)
Jul. 2020 Established “Adhesive Business Development Office” (Business transfer from Nippon Mektron)

Request to our suppliers for comprehension
and respect of the UNIMATEC Procurement Policy

The UNIMATEC CO.,LTD. believes that if we are to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, it is essential that our awareness is shared across the procurement supply chain. We are asking our suppliers to understand the Procurement Policy shown below and respect the UNIMATEC Charter of Corporate Behavior and CSR Procurement Guidelines in business transactions with us.

1.Procurement Principle

We will carry out procurement activities based on the following policy.

  • (1) We comply with laws, regulations and social norms.
  • (2) Based on the idea of free competition, we select suppliers in a stringent manner by providing fair and equal opportunities.
  • (3) We share mutual interests and benefits with suppliers based on the idea of mutual prosperity.
  • (4) We engage in open communication and build a relationship of trust with suppliers.
  • (5) We conduct improvement activities proactively in collaboration with suppliers.

2.CSR Procurement Guideline

In order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we request that not only UNIMATEC but also our suppliers actively promote CSR activities, including the supplier's supply chain, by referring to this guideline.

(1) Compliance with laws and regulations

We comply with laws and regulations, including the competition laws, trade laws, environmental laws and social norms of relevant countries.

(2) Respect for human rights

  • We will not engage in forced labor, child labor, illegal employment of foreigners, other illegal labor, or business with businesses that have problems with occupational health and safety.
  • In all employment and treatment of employees (application, recruitment, promotion, compensation, right to education, job assignment, wages, benefits, punishment, dismissal, retirement, etc.), we do not discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, beliefs, gender, age, marriage, physical characteristics, disabilities, etc.
  • Employees' minimum wagesi overtime, wage deductions, piecework wages, other benefits, working hours (including overtime), and the granting of the right to holidays and annual paid leave will comply with the laws of each country and region.
  • We hold dialogue and consultation with employees directly or with their representatives in good faith. We also recognize the right of employees to freely associate or not to associate based on the laws of each country and region.

(3) Safety

We prioritize the safety of customers and consumers and purchase products that satisfy safety requirements.

(4) Green procurement

We carry out procurement activities based on the NOK Group Green Procurement
Guideline with consideration for preserving the global environment .

(5) Confidentiality

We deal with suppliers that can appropriately manage and control the confidentiality of information on customers, individuals and technologies, etc. obtained through business transactions.

(6) Elimination of anti-social forces

We do not deal with any organized crime groups, any of their members and related individuals nor any other antisocial forces as well as any business entities associated with them.

(7) Activities regarding conflict minerals

We strive to avoid purchasing minerals and products that use minerals from countries where inhumane armed forces are active and mining minerals for their financial resources.

(8) Contribution to local communities

We contribute to the development of local communities by promoting business transactions with local suppliers.

(9) Sharing awareness with suppliers

In order to advance the efforts in the entire supply chain, we request the suppliers of our suppliers to implement the same measures as described in UNIMATEC's Charter of Corporate Behavior and this CSR Procurement Guidelines.

3.Prevention of delivery of counterfeit and suspected products

We will carry out procurement activities based on the following policy in order to prevent the use of counterfeit and suspected products.

(1) We do not purchase counterfeit products.

(2) We do not purchase suspected products.

  • Counterfeit products:
    Goods that infringe industrial property rights (patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademarks) and items that are not regular contract items and whose functional warranty cannot be confirmed
  • Suspected products:
    Goods in suspicious condition that are not clear whether they are regular contract items.

4. Requests to Our Suppliers

Our Policy on Gifts and Entertainment

Please note that we will decline the following gifts and entertainment from our suppliers.

  • We will not accept any cash, gift certificates, gift cards for books, merchandise, or other types of gifts.
  • We will not accept any special discount for the supplier’s products.
  • We will decline invitations to such events as dining and golfing, unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and our company in advance.
  • We will not sell or buy stock based on the supplier’s internal information.
  • We will not accept any other gifts or entertainment that are socially inappropriate.

UNIMATEC Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

Established on November 9, 2010/Revised on November 1, 2023

We, UNIMATEC Group are committed to being an entity that fulfills the role of driving efforts toward the realization of a sustainable society according to the Management Principles. We will pursue this through developing the Management Policies in such a way that all its stakeholders are proud of us and chase their dream with us; and, while upholding the principle of fair and free competition, through creating added value that is socially useful, generating employment, and autonomously acting responsibly. In order to achieve this realization, we will behave according to the eleven principles set forth below in the Principles of Corporate Behavior in both domestic and overseas operations, so as to respect human rights, comply with related laws, regulations, and international rules as well as the spirit behind those, and discharge our social responsibility with a strong sense of ethical values.

Management Principles

  1. The Management has to run the Company based on feelings of care and trust in its employees.
  2. The Management has to run the Company while uniting to ensure full ventilation without forming any cliques.
  3. The Management has to run the Company while making absolutely incredible efforts against all odds and risks.
  4. The Management has to run the Company while pursuing dreams with management plan.

Management Policies

  1. We are committed to be a strong and unique chemical company while focusing its managerial resources on core business areas.
  2. We are committed to be a profitable and robust company while fulfilling company-wide cost reduction programs ranging from front-line sales to manufacturing floor.
  3. We are committed to continuously improving our quality while producing and selling our products that are proven to be technologically unique and socially on a global scale.

Principles of Corporate Behavior

  1. Provision of Socially Useful Products
    We will develop and provide socially useful and safe products through the creation of new value, and provide pertinent information regarding products and have sincere dialogues with end users and customers while also working to achieve sustainable economic growth and solve social issues, thereby gaining their satisfaction and deeper trust.
  2. Fair and Appropriate Trade
    We will ensure that we engage in fair, transparent, and free competition, that transactions are appropriate, and that responsible procurement is carried out, when selling products and purchasing materials. Also, we will maintain a sound and proper relationship with political bodies and government agencies.
  3. Proper Disclosure and Management of Information
    We will disclose accurate information about the Company timely and appropriately, and have constructive dialogues with the various stakeholders who surround our business in order to increase the corporate value. Also, we will protect and properly manage personal and customer data and other types of information as well as intellectual property rights.
  4. Thorough Risk Management and Severance of all relations with Antisocial Forces and Groups
    We will resolutely provide systematic risk management to prepare against activities of antisocial forces, terrorists, cyberattacks, natural disasters, and other elements that threaten the lives of the public and business activities. Especially we will resolutely confront any antisocial forces or groups and sever all relations with such groups.
  5. Commitment to Environmental Conservation
    We will proactively initiate environmental conservation activities while taking into account the fact that commitment to solving environmental issues is a prerequisite for a company to engage in business activities as a going concern.
  6. Promotion of Social Contribution Activities
    As a good corporate citizen, we will actively participate in communities and contribute to their development.
  7. Cooperation with the International Community
    As a global corporation, we will comply with laws and regulations of the countries and regions where our business operations are based, and respect human rights and other international norms of behavior (ex. prohibition of child labour and forced labour). Also, conduct business by taking into consideration the local culture and customs as well as the interests of stakeholders, and contribute toward the development of the local economy and society.
  8. Respect for Human Rights
    We will carry out management that respects the human rights of all people.
  9. Provision of a Safe and Comfortable Working Environment
    We will realize a work style that enhances the abilities of employees while respecting their diversity, character and personality, and by drawing a line between public and private matters, and maintaining order in the workplace, we will realize a comfortable working environment that takes cleanliness, health, and safety into consideration.
  10. Responsibilities of Our Officers
    Our officers, while carrying out management with the recognition that it is their role to realize the spirit of this Charter, will establish effective internal control systems, and will take the lead in an exemplary manner to implement the Charter within the entire UNIMATEC Group, while encouraging our business counterparts to act in a manner consistent with this Charter. In addition, our officers will constantly listen to opinions from both within and outside the Company to ensure compliance with business ethics.
  11. Response to Problems
    In the event that a matter in noncompliance with this Charter arises, which causes society to lose trust in us, our officers will take steps such as taking the lead in solving the problem, identifying the cause, and taking measures to prevent the recurrence of similar problems, thus fulfilling their responsibilities. Moreover, they will publicly disclose relevant information promptly and appropriately, fulfill their accountability requirements, indicate those who are in authority and those who are responsible, and severely punish those involved, including themselves.


Plant No. 1

Address: 831-2 Kamisohda, Isohara-cho, Kitaibaraki-shi, Ibaraki, Japan 319-1593
Phone: +81-293-42-2161

10 min. by taxi from JR Joban Line Isohara Station West Exit

Singapore Plant

Address: 30 Sakra View, Jurong Island, 627745 Singapore